For this week, the topic that we were discussing was about issue of sustainable development, one of the most common issue in Malaysia is about racial issue.  According to our prime Minister, Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin, Racial tension remains a prevalent issue in Malaysia which must be addressed to avoid further detrimental impacts on the country. 

Hence why I do support our PM speech. Since we already know, a lot of issue about racism still occur even though our country has achieved the independences about 64 years ago. Sometimes, the media and the politician is the one who provoke the public. They play such a dirty ways to gain support. However, as a Malaysian who is come from public school that consist variety of ethics and culture, I do not find any racism in my school since we live in harmony and peace environment. Hence why education also plays a vital role in shaping students' perception. 

Somehow, I do not agree with some policies in Malaysia that seems a little bit bias. One of it is the quota for non 'bumiputera' to enter university. Not to forget, I have a lot Chinese friends that really perform in academic until some of them got stright A's in SPM. However, the opportunity for them is too inconsiderable as compared to 'bumiputera'

I think this is one of the reason we still have some superior feeling in ourselves, we always think we are better than other races. Somehow I really love to see ustaz Ebit Lew and Uncle Kentang. They literally help everyone. This is a great example to be proud of. Here I attach some of their pictures and videos in helping other races. 

Ask for me, my initiative to prevent racism inside myself is by always be friend with anyone. Not only that, I do respect their celebration by no throwing a harsh words towards them.
Therefore, here are some tips on how to prevent racism in ourselves according to National Network to End Domestic Violent

1. Learn to recognize and understand your own privilege.

2. Examine your own biases and consider where they may have originated.

3. Validate the experiences and feelings of people of color.

4. Challenge the “colorblind” ideology.

5. Call out racist “jokes” or statements.

That all for me, see you on the next post 💓😀
