As for today's class, Dr was asking us on our progress on the project. Hence I was volunteering to become a representative from my group. Therefore, here is the outcomes : 
Group Members:
 · Khairun Niza Binti Abdul Razak 
· Aishah An Nur Fitri Binti Parman 
· Nurhazmira Binti Muhd Ali 
· Nurul Husna Binti Shukor

Our project was about cleaning the surroundings of Tanjung Batu Laut and reusing plastic bottles into pencil cases. We collected the bottles and cleaned them.Then, we decorated and gave the bottles to the children in Tanjung Batu Laut. By handling this project, Tanjung Batu Laut area will achieve a sustainable development goal which is life below water. Our methodology was a case study and interview session among the society in Tanjung Batu Laut.

The life below water, which is one of the goals in sustainable development, is the aim in maintaining a beautiful and clean surroundings in Kampung Tanjung Batu Laut. This village is a settlement area near the sea. As we know, there are many marine life living under the water. Some irresponsible people were throwing rubbish such as plastic bottles, plastic bags, even wood around this village. All of the waste disposal is stuck in the mud and some of it falls into the sea and this action endangers the life below water such as fish and turtles. In fact, it will create an unpleasant smell and sea pollution at Tanjung Batu laut. 

Our group makes a project on turning the plastic bottles collected around this village to pencil cases for the children. So, this project is not just to achieve the sustainable development goal but also helping the children achieve happiness. This proposal shows all of the methods and flows of the project in Tanjung Batu Laut.

That all from me at the moment. See you on the next blog 💓


  1. for this our group project, it has open my eyes to see things in different perspective especially about life below water and be more aware about water pollution. Alhamdulillah, We have done such a great work!


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