Hello Assalamualaikum 💓

For this week, Tan Sri Rector of IIUM called on IIUM students to give ideas and suggestions for possible solutions to the unsustainability problems found in Desa Sejahtera. 

Therefore our group has come out with several idea and suggestion.

1. Make a collaboration

Since we are all stuck at MCO, it is more suitable if we do collaboration with NGO so that our mission can be accomplished. For example, do a collabration with NGO such as MyFundAction, so that we have enough man power to execute the program

2. Collaboration with IIUM students

In addition, we will also make an announcement to iium students, if they have anything that they want to donate in terms of preloved items (such as clothes, essential things etc), they can contact us so that we can collect all the donations in any form and deliver it to the needy.

3. Give moral support

Lastly, we can also just visit them and give moral support to boost their motivation, especially the children and students there. At least, that is what we can do to make their lives a little easier. An act of kindness, any simple gesture can improve someone's day. Therefore, we can collaborate with Ustaz Ebit Liew.

However, Dr had mentioned about how can us, the student help by simply donate some of money through online banking, or discussing the issue with our parents and started to collect money together and donate it.

That's all for now. Thank you 💓


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