WEEK 2 : Islam and Sustainable Development 

March 11, 2021
Aishah An Nur Fitri binti Parman

Hello Buddies! It's me again, thank you for visiting my blog!

So to put it simply, in week 2, we have learn about Islam and Sustainable Development. This topic  consist of three part, which are Islam and Environmental, Social, and Economic Sustainability. 

Before we started, let me explain first about the definition of sustainable development in Islam. It can be defined as “the balanced and simultaneous realization of consumer welfare, economic efficiency, attainment of social justice, and ecological balance in the framework of an evolutionary knowledge-based, socially interactive model defining the shuratic process”. Therefore, I want to touch in deeply about Islam and Social. Therefore, I am interesting in part number two, which is Islam and environment sustainability. 

Islam and environmental sustainability - Islam has been emphasizes in protecting nature since time immemorial, which is during war time. Prophet says that "there shall be no damage and no infliction of damage". If we take care the environment well, everyone can get benefits from the resources such as waters, minerals, land, forests, fish and wildlife, soil, sunlight and many more. Then, we watched a video about taking wudhu’ in efficient way which is according to Prophet Muhammad’s way.

 I could say that if everyone is following what have been thought by the prophet in taking wudhu’, we could save a lot of water from waste in a big capacity. Water has a lot of use to human being. It functioned in cleaning of the body and clothes from all dirt, impurities, and purification. Only after cleaning with pure water, Muslims are allowed to pray as well as clean places. It shows that Islam concerned about preventing pollution of water resources. That is why urinating in water and washing or having bath in stagnant water are forbidden act in Islam. In sustainable forestry, Islam also emphasis on the preservation of trees and plants in the Quran.

As for me, I was raised by my father who works at plantation farm. Therefore, I really comfortable when I see palm oil tree. We use to live in estate back in my childhood days. It was really hard with no internet connection and all that stuf. Did you know? Sabah is the biggest palm oil production in the Asia. Hence, If you go and travel by a car, you will see a lot of palm oil along the street. Therefore, let us see below : 

In Sabah, we have a lot of plantation company such as Sime Darby, Felda and IOI. Here is some pictures from FELDA SAHABAT 16, located at Lahad Datu Sabah. My aunt used to work here at the financial department. Hence I went here a lot, this is also one of the best place to unwind our mind because it have a really beautiful view.

 That all for now buddies. See you on the next post 💓
