Hi Assalamualaikum 💓💓💓

For this week’s lectures, we learn about Maqasid Shariah. Basically, Maqasid Al- Shariah is the basic law of Islam. Maqasid emphasis of human well-being by increasing welfare or benefit (maslahah) and preventing harm (mafsadah) on the other people while Shariah itself is to promote as well as protect the well-being and nature which is in line with the five necessities of human existence consists religion (Hifz Al-Din), life (Hifz Al-Nafs), intellect (Hifz Al-Aql), lineage (Hifz Al-Nasab) and wealth (Hifz Al-Mal). If we are aware, the basic human right is actually has been addressed by Maqasid Al- Shariah under the general term. And then, when we look at the Sustainable Development Goals, we can see that, even they were not developed on a religious basis, the majority of them are aligned with the spirit of Islamic law. In Islam, the five things that have been mentioned before which consists life, faith, mind, property and lineage is considered as the objectives of Maqasid Al- Shariah and we as Muslims are responsible to ensure the sustenance of these five objectives.

The first one is Life = Peace. As we all know, Islam is a religion of peace as the root word of Islam is refers to making peace and among others as well as have peaceful environment. The life that have been emphasized by Maqasid Al- Shariah is must be peaceful as people or human want to live in harmony which is threatened by terrorism, conflict and violation of human rights are not exist.

Secondly, Intellect = People. Intellect can’t be measured but it can be seen through people’s action as intellect is source of hounour and virtue. Intellect is the blessings that bestowed by Allah S.W.T through His people, so the servant required to acquire knowledge of the right and wrong in this world. Allah S.W.T. has created human and distinguished man by the grace of mind. We are Khalifatullah Fi Al-Ard being created by Allah for purpose on this earth.

The next one is Lineage = Planet. The future of the planet have to be safe and peaceful for the sake of new generation to enjoy. If planet have been too much explored, it will result in humanity facing cataclysmic consequences and the rising human population dramatically will become unsustainable with the adverse consequences for future generation.

Next, Wealth = Prosperity. In Islam, wealth considered as human satisfaction to attain ‘AL-Falah’ that leads a good life in the world and also in the hereafter. Islam emphasized Muslims to work as well as to accumulate health in his search for his livelihood as long as not contradict with shariah principles.

The last one is Faith = Partnership. Inter-religious dialogue will increase trust for the other thus this will promote sustainable development indirectly. Islam encourages inter-faith dialogues because it can build understanding and find common things for the benefit of humanity.

How can I apply the concept of Maqasid Al-Shariah and Sustainable Development in my current situation and life?

I would like to touch on lineage ( planet). As for me, since I still a student then I do not have much power to make big changes. However, I still can start small. There are so many other ways I can try to save the planet, like plant more trees. Instead of cutting trees, if every person plants a few trees, deforestation will reduce on a large scale. It will also improve the air, and the overall environment will change.

Water is one of the significant gifts of the planet. However, even if a large percentage of water is on the Earth, we can’t utilize all of it. Everyone depends on a tiny percentage for their daily consumption and use. We should stop wastage of water and try to conserve as much water as possible.

All the residents of the world, the Governments and the people should come together and start saving the planet. We can’t depend solely on the government to save the planet. Each person should take a small step because every little step counts in saving the world. We should start putting collective effort in trying this initiative because the planet needs us right now. It’s high time we start taking care of the Earth because it has given us unlimited gifts that we have utilized for our advantages.

Like what we have conducted on our project, it is simply a small step to save the environment or planet by collecting all the plastic bottles so that there will be no pollution. 

By the way, her is our video project, hope you guys are enjoy watching it ! 💓💓💓

Not to forget, here is a further explaination about Maqasid Syariah :



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