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What is Sejahtera ? 

In this week’s lesson, we have been introduced to the concept of Sejahtera. Sejahtera means peace and prosperity, peace, ease, happiness, and tranquility while sejahtera society means people live in harmony and peace that are free from something dangerous. Our rector of IIUM Dr. Dzulkifli Abdul Razak passionate and concerned about sejahtera that he wants to create sejahtera environment in IIUM. 

In addition, sejahtera have been prioritized to apply in the education system in South Korea. Sejahtera does not only mean peace it also means that the people are free from something dangerous like civil war and all forms of disturbance. The people are living in harmony and feeling safe in their own country. They can go out without the fear of getting attacked by their people as they are living peacefully. 

Other than that, Sanskrit root words such as ‘Sādhya’, Sudotra and Saśāstra have inspired meanings such as to be set right, to be perfected, to be accomplished or fulfilled, to be mastered or won, thing to be proved or established, attainable or conquerable, perfection, celestial beings, granting gifts and having or containing praises or invocations. On the other hand, sejahtera also has its definition in Japan words “Ikigai” which means for reason for being, encompassing joy, a sense of purpose and, meaning a feeling of well-being and credited as a factor in longevity and happiness.

 Besides, “Lagom” is a Swedish word that means moderation, in balance, perfect simple, suitable, in matter of amounts and not too much nor too little, and just right. In addition, Norwegian and Danish word called “Hygge” is the mood of coziness and comfortable conviviality with the feelings of wellness and contentment. Sejahtera concept has an important role in SDGS as with the implementation of sejahtera in it, everything will be balanced with nature and also elements of sejahtera which consist spiritual, physicopsychological, intellectual, cognitive and cultural, ethical, emotional, ecological, economic and societal. It is proven that sejahtera concept highlights the importance of a balanced life. With applying sejahtera in life, everything can be balanced and harmonious as “balance” has been mentioned a lot in the Quran and also in the prophet’s saying. In my opinion, Sejahtera is one of the most important goals that we need to achieve as it makes people living in harmony, freely and happily. Sejahtera also played the main role in eliminating poverty in the country. 


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