In this week, we learn about the transdisciplinary approach to sustainable development. We have been shown an article about IIUM river is filled with mud because of land exploration activities in Sungai Pusu and also lead to flash flood if it is raining heavily at IIUM. Based on the picture, transdisciplinary is the need one as transdisciplinary will covered all which is the disciplinary, multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary. After that, we watched a video and I learned that environment is really important as the population is now rising, hence the earth's resources should be enough for every person or sector that working on it. Why do we need a transdisciplinary approach? It is because we want to tackle the manifold aspects of realities, to increase understanding of the global and complex issue, to stimulate synergies among disciples, and lastly, to support cooperation and exchange among experts and sectors. Now, let’s look at again the issues of the IIUM river. The transdisciplinary approach can be applied by first identification of interests and stakeholders on Sungai Pusu. 

Next, connecting any synergizing the different perspectives and expectations on the issues and lastly the quadruple-helix based action until the river improved. Sustainability science is a field of “use-inspired” research and innovation like agricultural science and health science. It is defined by practical problems, specifically for sustainable development as it is conducted by drawing from and integrating research from natural, social, medical, and engineering sciences, and also by combining with the knowledge of the practice. Sustainability science is a problemdriven approach, it also focuses on the interaction between humans and natural systems, and it helps in integrating multiple forms of knowledge. After that, we watched a video on how sustainable science helps to stop haze. It is knowledgeable as I learn something new from it. The picture below show on how the transdiciplinary approach works. 


  1. Yup i do agree with u aishah. Taking care of our environment is really important for our global safety and especially fot our own goods.

    1. Thank you khairun for always agreeing

    2. Thank you khairun for always agreeing


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